2014年2月24日 星期一


台菜 Taiwanese cuisine
麻油雞 sesame-oil chicken
牛肉麵 beef noodles
紅燒牛肉麵 - red braised beef noodles
清燉牛肉麵 - clear broth stewed beef noodles
麻醬麵 sesame paste noodles
皮蛋瘦肉粥 congee with preserved eggs and pork
水餃 dumplings
雞肉飯 chicken rice
滷肉飯 minced pork rice

麻辣鍋 spicy hotpot
羊肉爐 mutton hotpot

薑母鴨 ginger duck

小吃 street food
蚵仔煎 oyster omelets
臭豆腐 stinky tofu
大腸麵線 pig intestine vermicelli (intestine [ɪnˋtɛstɪn] vermicelli [vɝməˋtʃɛlɪ] )
蔥油餅 scallion cakes / green onion pancake
滷味 braised snacks / luwei
鹽酥雞/鹹酥雞 salted crispy chicken / pepper popcorn chicken
炸雞排 fried chicken fillet [fɪˋle] / deep-fried chicken cutlets (/ˈkʌt.lət/)
小籠包 steamed dumplings / xiaolongbao
春捲 spring rolls
割包 pork belly buns / gwa-bao
燒餅 Shaobing / clay oven rolls / Chinese sesame flat bread
油條 Chinese oil stick
菜脯蛋 dried radish and egg frittata
肉圓 Ba-wan / Taiwanese meatballs / meatball dumpling
臭豆腐 stinky tofu
豬血糕 pig blood cake
鍋貼 pan fried dumplings/ potsticker
水煎包 - water fried buns

早餐 breakfast
蘿蔔糕 daikon cake / radish cake / turnip cake
蛋餅 egg pancake / Taiwanese egg crepe / danbing / Chinese omelet

醬料 sause
沙茶醬 shacha sauce
番茄醬 ketchup [ˋkɛtʃəp]
蜂蜜芥末醬 honey mustard [ˋmʌstɚd]
醬油膏 thick soy sauce

飲料 drinks
珍珠奶茶 pearl milk tea
泡沫紅茶 bubble tea
豆漿 soy milk
米漿 - rice milk

點心 dessert
豆花 tofu pudding / douhua
鳳梨酥 pineapple cake
蜜餞 candied fruit
肉乾 jerky
豆乾 dried tofu
太陽餅 sun cake
方塊酥 square cookies
麻糬 mochi
愛玉 aiyu jelly
紅豆餅azuki bean cake
牛軋糖 nougat

黑鮪魚 bluefin tuna
烏魚子 mullet roe [ˋmʌlɪt ro]

櫻花蝦 cherry shrimp

蛤蜊巧達濃湯clam chowder
泡菜 kimchi
雞塊 chicken nugget

菲力牛排 filet mignon [fɪˋle ˋmɪnjɒn]

